From (make sure to enjoy opinions from armchair experts Dylan and Snuff):

  • West Indian

    • Shotta (Light, gangster type character, with a King Cobra [AKA TF2 Spy's] revolver as default weapon [and King Cobra as the default drink)
    • Renegade (Heavy, insurgent type character, with a M1A1 Carbine as default weapon)
  • Black Market

    • Drug Trafficker (Light, Colombian drug trafficker, with a Remington 870 shotgun as default weapon)
    • Arms Dealer (Heavy, arms dealer, with a G3A4 rifle)

  • Outsider

    • Journalist (Light, American in nationality, got caught up in the revolution, has a Ruger P345 Handgun as default)
    • Gong's Army (Heavy, mercenary type, with a Brazilian URU submachine gun as default)

  • National Security

    • Police (Light, local cops, with a Browning High Power as default)
    • Army (Heavy, army, with an M16A2 assault rifle as default)

  • Foreign Interests

    • UN Intelligence (Light, spy type, with a silenced USP 45)
    • UN Drug Enforcement (Heavy, DEA special forces type, with an MP5K-PDW)

  • Private Interests

    • Corporate Hitman (Light, well dressed, off-white, with a Beretta 90two)

Military Contractor (Heavy, former special forces, well dressed and equipped, with a semi-automatic M14 (Springfield M1A)

Rebel Assault Rifles
(1) AK-74M Assault Rifle + GP-30 Grenade Launcher
(2) HK G3A4 + Scope
(3) Kalishnakov AK-9 + Scope + Silencer

Rebel Explosives
(1) Triggered Improvised Explosive Device
(2) Timed Improvised Explosive Device
(3) RPG-18 [AKA noobtube]

Rebel Close Quarters
(2) TEC-9 + Silencer
(3) PPSh + 70 round drum

Rebel Support
(1) PKM Heavy Machinegun
(2) AK-74M + Drum + Bipod + Scope

Rebel Long Range
(1) Brazilian IMBEL .308 AGLC Bolt-Action Sniper Rifle
(3) Brazilian IMBEL[?] + Silencer

Government Assault Rifles
(1) M4 Assault Rifle + M203 Grenade Launcher
(2) SIG 550 + Scope
(3) FN SCAR + Scope + Silencer

Government Explosives
(1) Claymore Explosive + Trigger
(2) C4 Explosive + Fuse
(3) M72 LAW [AKA noobtube]

Government Close Quarters
(2) MP5K-PDW + Aimpoint
(3) MP5K-PDW + Aimpoint + Silencer + Extended Clip [oh no...]

Government Support
(1) M60 Heavy Machinegun
(2) G36 w/ Scope + Drum + Bipod

Government Long Range
(1) Remington MSR [AKA COD Intervention]
(3) Remington MSR + Silencer

Weapon choices feel a little CODish in INSMODSCUM's humble opinion. And...

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