Name: shiznit304
HLX Location: Austin, United States [Austin, TX]

Possible IP address:

Thanks to A.

[BAN][Of-A] shiznit304
shiznit304 STEAM_0:1:20047375

Spraying anime child rape porn. Was warned. Banned for two hours.

Subject: S.W.A.T. Application Tue Jun 09, 2009 8:32 am
Name of owner and members:
1. Jason Fare - Owner
2. Doyle London - Member
3. Artem Fedorov - Member
4. Luther Vandross - Member

--- Ranks ---
1. S.W.A.T. Commander - $50
2. S.W.A.T. Squad Leader - $45
3. S.W.A.T. Trainer - $40
4. S.W.A.T. Sniper - $35
5. S.W.A.T. Veteran - $30
6. S.W.A.T. Soldier - $25
7. S.W.A.T. Trainee - $20

Steam IDs of all members:
1. Jason Fare - STEAM_0:1:14661720
2. Doyle London - STEAM_0:0:6908073
3. Artem Fedorov - STEAM_0:0:10289261
4. Luther Vandross - STEAM_0:1:20047375

Organization wanted: S.W.A.T. - Special Weapons and Tactics

Organization Type: Law, Police

What is it that your organization will do?: What my organization will do is when someone robs the store and they have a group of friends, about 5 of them or so, and the police can't handle the robbery we will send in S.W.A.T. Members to the robbery and we will help the Police.

Organization Bio: How S.W.A.T. was made in Mevelport was, I was at the town Library looking up all the crimes on the computer. The crimes were very big and serious, I looked over the list, more than 10 people escaped armed robbery's, murders, selling drugs, selling guns, killing cops. So i decided, I will ask the government if I could make the S.W.A.T. organization and help stop the serious crimes in Mevelport. They agreed it was a good idea, so they had me apply on a government web page. They accepted the application and wished me luck to stop the crimes in the city. That, is how the S.W.A.T. was made.

Member bios: Hello, my name is Jason Fare, I am age 31 and I lived in New York City for 29 years. I worked as the FBI there, solving a big case, and they moved me into the S.W.A.T., in New York City, being in the S.W.A.T. was a little to dangerous for me, my brother was worried that I would get killed cold blooded by one of the gangs in the city. I left New York City and moved to Mevelport leaving everything I owned behind, except my money, my papers, and my brother. I found a abandoned mechanics garage with the doors unlocked, that had been my home for 2 long years now. I was hoping to find a job, and I thought, I'm sure they have a S.W.A.T. team in this town. So I went out searching for the police department to ask.

Why should we give you this organization?: I believe this organization should be given to me because I think we need more cops and I believe it would be a good org to have in RP with such a big city and many stores and because of all the crimes happening.
