Text edited and formatted for readability.

Team Redeployment recommended background music: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RCObXuAwCIA

INSMODSCUM recommended background music - classic:
Ennio Morricone - Ecstasy of Gold (The Good, the Bad, the Ugly)
MORRICONE-"Harmonica/ Man With A Harmonica/ Death Rattle" (1968)

INSMODSCUM recommended background music - modern:
Battle Los Angeles Soundtrack HD - #1 Hymn (Brian Tyler)
Inception Soundtrack HD - #1 Half Remembered Dream (Hans Zimmer)
Inception Soundtrack HD - #3 Dream Is Collapsing (Hans Zimmer)
Inception Soundtrack HD - #6 528491 (Hans Zimmer)
Inception Soundtrack HD - #9 Dream Within A Dream (Hans Zimmer)
Inception Soundtrack HD - #11 Paradox (Hans Zimmer)
Inception Soundtrack HD - #12 Time (Hans Zimmer)


Today 4-Corner Interactive and Team Redeployment feel it is their responsibility to reveal to you a lot of news. Some of it is good, some of it is bad.

As we all know Insurgency’s downfall was due to two main people, Endless and Spielman, a few days ago they released all assets that are left over for the rumored WIP 3 beta. Their reasons were not revealed, but trusted sources have told us they actually do have souls (who the **** would have thought?) and apparently couldn't take the pressure of killing INS anymore (So it is more stressful to kill a mod, than make it? That makes sense). They gave these assets to Interwave studios, the studio that created Nuclear Dawn, many core contributors to Insurgency are working at Interwave and will continue to work on it under Interwave (continued as a free mod).

This mod is supposed to be released as an update on steam, but with Jeremy as the current IP [intellectual property] holder he has access to the big red button to take the mod down. In fact, Valve contacted him about a year ago, asking if he wanted Insurgency taken down, Jeremy said to leave it up there, so please take the time to thank him (I don’t care how, I guess silently) [http://insurgencymod.blogspot.com/2011/08/people-not-to-fuck-with-2-jeremy.html].

Currently Jeremy is working with his company New World Interactive on Insurgency: Remastered. Here is what we know about the game:

It will be most likely a retail game ($$$$$$$)
It will be created with the Portal 2 engine (licensed)
It is intended to be the ‘finished’ Insurgency, he kick started this mod, and god damn he intends to finish it
It will be graphically updated, with many new features (a new game mode called Checkpoint or something.)

A few core developers from his Red Orchestra days and Insurgency days will be with him. Personally I would look forward to the INS Jeremy is creating, regardless to how I may have liked him he is a dedicated bastard and whether it means **** to him or not, 4CI eagerly awaits INS:R (remastered) .

Now onto the news about us, as you should know we lost our coder a few months ago, this has stalled all feature developments. We haven’t stalled other developments however, we have continued to map, model, compose, and build ourselves up.

Unfortunately – Jeremy has made it clear (time and time and time and time again ) that we are no competition for NWI or Interwave – we have no choice, but to discontinue Insurgency Redeployment. Regardless of how far we get, our version of the mod will never be steamed, it can’t compare to what developers on a payroll can do, we would just slowly destroy our credibility to our followers.

Please take note that we don’t want to stop, but we don’t want to waste our time or your time. The first few weeks this project started, it was a rollercoaster, every day I googled Insurgency Redeployment and Team redeployment, slowly but surely I saw more and more postings about us on various forums. Sometimes when I went into servers I would hear about people talking about INS:R, sometimes I would introduce myself, then be bombarded by ideas. Sometimes I would just sit there and listen to what the players thought of me, the team, the mod.

I have been about the community since the beginning, I contacted everyone possible from the community before I went to other websites to recruit. It wasn’t along until I had the creator of Dylans mod and Hardcell with me. We have, time and time again, listened to the community, I have spent about 10 hours in various Teamspeak and Vent servers listening to clan leaders and clan members give me their ideas, concerns, etc.

I was prepared to jeopardize the enjoyment of developing Insurgency to work along side with Jeremy, none of these decisions have been influenced by my personal wants, but for the benefit of Insurgency and my loyal developers.

INS:R Development will cease, but the fact is it will always be in the back of our minds. Be it refurbishing old versions of maps and releasing, handing out plugins or information to fix exploits or enhance gameplay, or doing graphical over hauls. Team Redeployment is not going anywhere either, I was smart to register the domain as is, and not Insurgencyredeployment.org, we can still re-purpose the Team. In fact we are in the process of creating an extensive design document for a mod that will be loosely based off Insurgency (aiming styles, game modes etc) that we will be able to experiment with features that would be useless or decided against by the Insurgency community (don’t worry, no CoD shit).

This by no means, is an end to Team Redeployment or 4Ci. This time period will be used to polish off some of Zandor’s and Hardcell’s maps and further establish 4Ci as a studio.

On another note, we will have a surprise for you guys on Insurgency’s 10th birthday (4th birthday since it has been ‘steamed’ Oct 23, 2007).

Long live Insurgency [!!!]

Thank you Jeremy Blum for all you have done for us (seriously its a big frigging list) and good luck on NWI.

Good luck Interwave.

Thank you insurgencymod.blogspot.com for your linking to our forums and websites, and various news posts. Who ever the hell you are.

Thank you LMC clan and Kaui, we will definitely keep in touch you crazy son of a gun.

Thank you Edgegamers – Mainly the Insurgency (then MOD now FPSX) division, many veterans of this game have given us a lot of insight. Zeak, Yeti, Beavis, and Burt for showing support and at times, interest (even though I managed to screw up the SVN accounts).

Thank you Exsequor Softworks UK – You gave us our first forum after NWI’s forum was taken over by the bots, Rokonader you have shown us unprecedented support for such a long time. We are glad to have you as our publishers, we know you have our backs and we have yours (It’s on the shelf over there).

Palmero – Even though you are very unprofessional you did give us two great templates, and free web hosting for quite awhile.

Thank you Andrew [inslegacy.wordpress.com] – for creating such an amazing mod.

Snake – You have our SVN,

Screw you Spielman, you banned me from the forums

Screw you spam bots

Thank you INS community for the overwhelming support and loyalty you have shown time and time again to us. We will never forget it, or forget you.

~Robbie ‘mildhotsauce’ Connolly 4-Corner Interactive founder, former Insurgency: Redeployment project lead
~David 4-Corner Interactive Business manager
~Hardcell long time Insurgency mapper – Senior mapper for all Source and Orange box based 4Ci developments
~Zandor long time very well known (Zgoda anybody?) INS mapper – 4Ci mapping specialist and artistic consultant
~The rest of 4Ci’s past and present developers.

To the people who didn’t believe in this project. Unless you knew Spiel and Endless were going to give up the files to Interwave studios, please shut your mouth. We had plans to aquire a coder, it is just this got into our way.


Team Redeployment We aren't developing Insurgency: Redeployment anymore. We wanted to, but it would be a waste of our time with two big studios competing. We are now working on a different Orange Box mod that wont be called INS anything.

Insurgency Mod Status August, 2011:

Insurgency:Modern Infantry Combat (InterWave): comatose but may change
Insurgency:Classic: dead
Insurgency:Redeployment: dead
Insurgency:Remastered [what a shitty name] (New World Interactive): alive but very little info, no forums

IMS2: At least Endless and or Spielmann had a decency to surrender the mod and insmod.net to InterWave. That still doesn't vindicate them IMHO.
IMS: First thing InterWave will hopefully do is fix Sinjar undermap exploits.
