
Using admin commands other than those approved here or using the approved commands in a way that violates protocol will likely result in an IMMEDIATE LOSS OF ADMIN. All admin actions are logged, we can do a simple search to see if anyone has broken protocol if we need to. SO DON'T BREAK PROTOCOL!!!

Members (NewMember, Member, SrMember) may only use:

Some members have map vote/change permission too, if you have it you know who you are. Do NOT use the switch team commands, or switch to spectator. Do not use any commands that aren't the aforementioned KICK or 10 MINUTE BAN. Violation = loss of admin for one month or whenever it is earned back.

If someone needs a permanent ban, give them a 10min ban and then make a quick post with proof or send a message with proof (screenshot, demo) to an Officer and it will be done. The offender's steam ID is saved by SourceBans with the 10 minute ban. Although we may ban without proof on your word, the ban will be lifted in the case of an appeal if there is no proof.

Server Admin Protocol::

Approved Actions::
Map Vote
Alltalk Vote
Listen to Enemy Voice comm (only if there is no LMC admin on the other team)
Talk to Server (only to issue verbal warnings)

Use of Kick and Ban:

Exit killing
1. Verbal AND Written specific warning (players name in both warnings along with explanation, must be acknowledged)
2. Kick on repeated offense or if no response to warnings. (admin must explain kick upon player return)
3. Kick on repeated violations & 10 minute ban if necessary
-Permanent ban for exit killing ONLY by officer vote after reported in forums-

Racism, disrespect, sexism, grotesque sexual material, excessive swearing, etc. & impersonating a member.
1. Warning (verbal or written, but must be acknowledged, if player does not respond, then kick and explain upon player return.)
2. Kick on non-compliance(violation must be explained upon player return)
3. 10min Ban on repeat offense.
4. 1 Day immediate ban for any VERY offensive material.

Mic Spamming:
a) Mute at admin discretion
b) May instead provide written warning, and after non-compliance, permanently ban. (only for serious offenses)

Intentional Mass Team-Killing, Intentional Spawn Killing:
1. 10min ban Immediately (must be proven intentional team killing).
2. For repeat or extreme offenders: Permanent Ban

Recruiting, Hacking, & Extreme Admin Disrespect (hostility):
Immediate Permanent Ban (must be reported in the forums.)

May only ban for hacking with proof, MUST BE OBVIOUS, if evidence is reviewed and it is not unanimously agreed upon without a reasonable doubt that the player in question was hacking, you WILL loose your admin immediately until further notice. Admins may not accuse players of hacking until evidence is reviewed, you MUST have evidence (demo). It's not worth loosing your admin over, don't take action against a supposed hacker unless you are 100% sure, you are staking your admin powers on it.

Use of other commands:

Map Vote:
Only after 1 FULL round from previous map vote.
Only if multiple complaints from players.
Highest ranking officer in server must execute map vote.

Alltalk vote
Only if there are less than 8 people in the server
Highest ranking officer must execute vote.
Must change to default if any player expresses discontent, or if number of players rises above 8.
Servers with alltalk on as default can be changed at will.

"Clean House"
In cases of mass rule breaking where over 50% of the server is not following rules and have ignored global warnings, an admin may kick all offenders immediately for a short time to re-establish order.
