[dead] [dead] [new, private] ("This is an invite-only collaboration over the insurgency remastered project")





OG Software was founded by Jeremy Blum on July 13th, 2009. OGSoft is currently developing an untitled experimental cross-platform game using Direct3D and the XNA Game Studio.
Mission Statement

Innovation, Simplicity and Immersion: This is our doctrine at OGSoft.

A game must be innovative if it is going to grab peoples' attention. The content and gameplay of a game have to offer something new and exciting in order to capture peoples' interest in the first place. The possibilities in 3D games are ever-expanding, and OGSoft prides itself on analyzing the latest trends during its game design process, in order to keep up with and potentially surpass next-generation demands.

Simplicity is the key to high performance in games. If gameplay is too complicated, players will be intimidated. If graphics are unoptimized, players will experience poor FPS performance. If a game's code framework is overly complex, development will be a constant struggle. Instead, we say keep it simple, stupid! Fluidity is key for both the look and feel of a game, as well as its framework.

Immersion is the key to success in games. No matter how exciting your title sounds to players, or no matter how fluid the game looks and feels, if a game does not immerse the player or is incapable of providing the player with countless hours of fun, what is the point? No matter how many people you get to try your game, your success will be hindered.

With the game design industry rapidly shifting to the demands of big-time publishers, the small guy is being cut out of the process. People are getting laid off left and right, and yet there is still such a high demand for video games. History of the industry has shown us that the people who end up making it big are those who create something of their own from scratch - whether it be the people behind Quake, Doom, Half-Life, Unreal, Far Cry, or Operation Flashpoint. By taking this road less traveled and creating our own engine, we are in a sense evading corporate reliance.
Untitled Game Project

OGSoft is currently working on an untitled game project that is intended primarily for use on the Xbox 360 platform. Although the details of the project are unannounced, work on its framework is already underway and planning of the project has begun.
About the Team

Jeremy Blum is currently the only OG Software developer at the moment. He is trying to keep the team very small with a core group of developers. The Source Code will be open to the public, so contributors are always welcome.

Jeremy Blum was the original producer of the mods Red Orchestra ( and Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat ( He is currently a fourth-year student at The University of Vermont and will be graduating in May 2010.

Ideas for Insurgency: Global, an expansion for Insurgency: Modern Infantry Combat
Updated Jul 13, 2009 by

by Jeremy Blum

The year is 2012 and the world as we know it is in a state of disillusionment. Sprawl has polluted earth’s once beautiful landscape, and state sovereignty has been replaced by the free market. A lethal interconnectedness has thus emerged between states, creating a stranglehold on conventional military might with a sole purpose of protecting financial investment.

What started out as a seemingly unsuccessful crusade against Western influence has turned into an emergent struggle against oppressive governments across the globe. Whereas war was once waged between nations, the new global economic shift has created a new kind of war that can only be waged within; a war between power and ideology.

While those in power use peace and order to rationalize their violent suppression of any resistance, those who resist continue to get weapons from black markets and rogue governments. Whether it be the quest for freedom or equality, the desire for national unity, or even the legalization of drugs, the Insurgent’s battle cry will be made known.

Insurgency Global, or Insurgency 2, puts the player into this erupting global climate. Choose your side, and fight for what’s right.

Insurgency Global will take the original Insurgency to the next level. The game will not be redone, but will be heavily added to and modified.
Gametype (Untitled)

Both teams start equidistant to 1 primary, landmark objective. Both teams have no reinforcements. Which ever team captures the objective or eliminates the other side, wins the round.
Objective captures are handled the same way ingame that they are now.
When Round 1 is over, Round 2 starts. The winning team must now defend the objective, and the losing team must now counter-attack. Both teams still have no reinforcements.
If the winning team successfully defends the objective, they win the game. If the losing team successfully counter-attacks the objective and takes it back, Round 3 starts, and the other team is now defending the objective.
This could go back and forth, but essentially all your team needs to do is win 2 rounds in a row in order to win the game.


If a player captures an objective or survives a round, he is promoted.
Upon promotion, players get access to more weapons, equipment, and weapon attachments
Players are told of the new inventory items they’ve unlocked when they respawn, and have the ability to change their loadouts in their spawn areas


I’d like to implement a new kit system that allows 3 different types of kits, which could be unlocked by promotions. Each has their own pros and cons, capabilities and restrictions:

Light Kit
Small Inventory
Low Armor
Fast Speed
Thin/Small Size
Long Sprint Time
Medium Kit
Medium Inventory
Medium Armor
Average Speed
Average Size
Average Sprint Time
Grenade Launchers
Light Machine Guns
Medical Kits
Heavy Kit
Large Inventory
Heavy Armor
Slower Speed
Fatter/Larger Size
Short Sprint Time
Heavy Machine Guns
Anti-Tank Guns


If you get a certain amount of kills in the round prior, you should have the option of getting a vehicle to be used at your personal disposal
Over time we can make this cooler and cooler, by allowing better vehicles the better you did the round before. For example, if you get 3 kills you get a Jeep with no MG turret, if you get 4 kills you get a Humvee with an MG turret, if you get 5 kills you get a Humvee with an Anti-Tank turret, if you get 7 kills you get a tank.


For the purpose of the new gametype, maps should not be discarded, but should rather be chopped up.
For example, on Baghdad, instead of it all being 1 map, there should be a map for the Mosque, the Street, and the Gas Station.
This will both improve performance, loading times, and allow us to add more detail to these particular objective areas.

Squad Dynamics
User Interface

I think the mod can definitely use a redone UI. As far as I know they’re still using the one I made like 2 years ago. It needs to do a better job graphically indicating certain things to the user, such as connecting him with his squad and the status of the round


We should analyze all of the mod’s more complex features (especially those that require complex systems in code) and consider removal
This should include the commander system, if not already taken out

New Content

New environments that can be added over time:
The Caribbean (Jamaica, Haiti, etc)
South America (Honduras, Colombia, etc)
Asia (North Korea, China, Malaysia, Phillipines, etc)
Europe (Ireland, Bosnia, Chechnya, Russia, etc)
Middle East (Tehran, Jerusalem, etc)
Africa (Somalia, Sudan, etc)
North America (New York, California, Vancouver, Toronto, etc)
New characters can be added over time:
Contracted Mercenaries
Gangsters/Drug Dealers
Resistance Fighters of various nationalities
Anarchists, socialists
New attachments for weapons should be added before new entire weapons are added


We originally wanted to do this, and we will put this back into priority
INS.Stats, INS.League, etc.
Open Source Development
Using Trac, we can open-source the project, allowing the community to contribute to the assortment of maps, weapons, characters, code, etc.
This may reduce quality slightly, but increase quantity, and besides, work can always be redone and improved over time.

The beautiful thing about all of the above, is that we’re not starting from scratch. We have a nice base to work with, so these features shouldn’t be too drastic.

Also see:
