Volksgrenadier's facts:
A lone MKb42 conducts the assassination of Julius Caesar.
Jesus Christ was crucified upon an MKb42.
William the Conqueror rode upon an MKb42 and won the Battle of Hastings, crowning himself King of Britain soon after.
The Magna Carta was created. An MKb42 can be seen clearly on the bottom right corner of this document.
The Black Plague outbreak was not spread by rats, but a single MKb42.
The Battle of Agincourt was won through the superior use of MKb42's.
Constantinople falls. MKb42s are suspected.
Christopher Columbus begins his voyage to discover the MKb42. He finds America instead.
Newton develops the laws of physics, working alongside an MKb42.
The Declaration of Independence is signed by an MKb42.
Franz Ferdinand is assassinated by an MKb42, sparking the First World War.
An MKb42 declares the terms of the Treaty of Versailles.
A small squadron of MkB42s raid Pearl Harbour.
An MKb42 commences Operation Barbarossa.
Adolf Hitler shoots himself with an MKb42. Germany surrenders soon after.
Two MKb42s are dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The end of World War Two ensues shortly.
Genghis Khan conquers nearly half of the known world at the time with the aid of an MKb42.
Ivan the Impaler used an MKb42 for his inhumane deeds.

HerrKohlrabi's facts:
When Mary said that an angel had made her pregnant she was lying. The real father was MkB42(h).

Battlecrusier's facts:
Brothers Wright constructed first working plane with use of mkb42.
The Apollo Program and the Moon Landing were achieved with help of mkb42.

IsEnough's facts:
The first time a caveman started a fire, it was with an MKb42.
When the cavemen invented the wheel, it looked like the MKb42.

BingoPower's facts:
JFK Assassination - The Warren Commission findings and the single bullet theory are implausible according to some researchers, though they admit an MKb42 could have been responsible.

Skjold's facts:
Titanic sunk due to trying to contain an MkB 42 (H) in its cargo hold.

AtomicHamster's facts:
The Mkb42 was responsible for wiping out the dinosaurs.
The meaning of life, as stated in The Hitchiker's Guide To The Galaxy, was 42. In fact they meant to say the meaning of life is in fact the Mkb42...

Zanarchy's facts:
A common misconception is that Noah gathered two of every animal to put aboard the Ark. Wrong. A single MkB42 gathered them up and threw them on.

OJ191's facts:
If an MKb42 somehow jams or otherwise fails to fire, the entire server crashes.
When someone misses their target with an MKb42, the target dies anyway, of shock

jojimbo41's facts:
In 1541 Phillip of Spain ordered Pizarro to find the Lost City Of El Dorado, as legend had it this is where they would find Montezumas MKb42
WW2 should have lasted for 12 years, but Mkb42 bullets travel twice the speed of light

TheLastRonin's Facts:
'Chuck Norris' is actually the name of the first MkB42 ever built.

stahlhelmii's Facts:
The Redcoats develop the tactic of forming an infantry square around a single Mkb(42), which must be protected from charges due to its ability to destroy entire native villages with one clip of ammo. The British Empire is born.
Napoleon heads for Waterloo. Marshall Ney forgets to bring the Mkb(42) ...
The people at Masada kill themselves after a long and valiant hold out against the Romans, knowing they had no chance because of a rare Mkb(42) malfunction.
Thutmose III wins the first battle in recorded history against the Mittani, from whom Anubis saw fit to withhold the Mkb(42). Thutmose rejoices for that extra prayer to Anubis the morning before the battle.
At the battle of Kadesh much later, Anubis becomes irked at Rameses for allowing Moses to run off with the Mkb(42). Rameses, not knowing this, nor that the Hittites have their own Mkb(42), attacks the Hittites without waiting for the rest of his army to catch up. The battle goes against Rameses until the Ptah division arrives with the Mkb(42) it found on the banks of the Red Sea.
The ancient Egyptians achieved the tight tolerances and architectural precision of the Great Pyramid because aliens provided them with the mathematical formula of Mkb(42).
Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark is actually based in fact. The Germans did recover the Ark, and inside was the Holy Mkb42(h).
It was not the blowing of horns that brought the the Walls of Jericho. It was only the explanation of a primitive people who did their best to make sense of the loud retort of Mkb42(h).
"Dear Abbey" gave out such great advice because the column was in fact ghost-written by Mkb42(h).
The settlement of the American West is due to one thing: Mkb42(h)'s order to, "Go west, young man!"
Before you decide to take that last piece of pizza that the kids are eyeing, just ask yourself ... "What would Mkb42(h) do?"
The U.S. invaded Iraq because it suspected Sadam Hussein of developing an Mkb42.

Lethal_Sting's facts:
The most interesting man in the world, is actually the MKb42.
The MKb42 was the shot heard 'round the world.

Crusader508's facts:
When Zeus smote the enemies of Olympus, his lightning bolt was an MKb42(H)
The Mayans came up with a calender that tells us when the end of the world will occur. Carved in its stone is the MKb42(H).
There are two kinds of men in this world: Mice, and the MKb42(H).
I don't always drink beer, but when I do, it's the MKb42(H).
It's been researched and proven that the deadliest animals on earth are the MKb42(H), MKb42(H), and the MKb42(H).
When I came home from work, I saw my girlfriend in bed with the MKb42(H). I joined them.
The MKb42(H) told me to go f*** myself, so I did.

Benett1stMRB's facts:
As oppose to contray belief....America didnt nuke hiroshima, it was simply a MKb42's mass reaction wrap core housed in the stock going nuclear. How the entire world didnt crack in half is still a mircale.

RawrManbearpig's facts:
In Soviet Russia, MKb42 kills EVERYONE.

maneaterhp's facts:
Half-Life Episode 3 was completed years ago, it was released under the name MKb42.

Eyes only's facts:
On 30 April 1975 the North Vietnamese Army were equipped with MKb42's, America pulls out immediately!

Loodmoney's facts:
The MKb42(H) was produced in 1942. Given the gun's influence on world history in the space of time preceeding 1942, we must conclude that the MKb42(H) either has, invented, or is an integral part of, the capacity for time travel.
The ROF of the MKb42(H) is such that it produces sound at a pitch that is pleasing to the human ear--more pleasing than any other gun. Two MKb42(H)s firing in a synchronised fashion will produce a sound at a pitch that is pleasing to the human ear--more pleasing than any other two guns firing in a synchronised fashion. Three--&c. &c. Thus, we must conclude that the music of Heaven above is composed of MKb42(H)s, and that if this gun did not exist, then neither would the speech of humans.
People cry when they are shot by an MKb42(H), or simulations thereof. They also feel joy when they loot the gun off a dead body, or simulations thereof. Thus, the MKb42(H) is clearly responsible for the emotions and thoughts of Man. And, as the Soul of a man is responsible for his emotions and thoughts, therefore the Soul of Man is an MKb42(H). Our third conclusion from this is that, because a man's body and his Soul cannot be made of the same substance, the MKb42(H) is thus immaterial.

SPYMAN's facts:
If you type in "god 1" you get a Mkb42.
If you divide by zero, you get a Mkb42.

tinwai's facts:
The only way to stop a MKb42 from shooting is to shoot it with another MKb42.

Ad hoc's facts:
One day, a lowly rifle declared," I am become death, the destroyer of worlds." Thus, the MKb42(H)was born.
What happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object? Put two MKb42(H)'s together, barrel to barrel, and find out.

FILLMORE!'s facts:
God appointed Moses to lead the Israelites out of Egypt and into Canaan by speaking to him through a burning MKb42(H).
Many people falsly refer to the shoulder-mounted weapon used by the Predators as plasma caster. In fact it is a MKb42(H).
Lady Diana and Dodi Fayed died in Paris after their car crashed with an MKb42(H).
Bill Clinton did not have sex with Monica Lewinsky. His MKb42(H) did.
Nothing can travel at the speed of a bullet fired from a MKb42(H).
Big bang theory is a model to explain what happened when the first shot from a MKb42(H) was fired.
The Ultimate Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, The Universe, and Everything is... unsurprisingly, MKb42(H).

LoneMerc2's facts:
Some say it naturally faces the enemey, and that all of it's components are hydraulic... all we know is, it's called the Mkb42(H).
The Mkb42(H) IS the Illuminati.
It is proven that the Mkb42(H) is that accurate, the egyptians used it to build their pyramids with laser precision.
The Cold War nearly broke out over the Mkb42(H).
If the A-Team used the Mkb42(H), they would have had no need to spray and pray.
Has anyone heard of that new drug, Mkb42(H)? Apparently it makes you invincible.
"Mkb42 and two zig-zags, baby that's all we need!"

Lone-Assasin's facts:
To this day, the Mkb42 is the only known entity in existence to have competed in and won at least one gold medal in every Olympic Sport.
Chuck Norris's only imperfection is the Mkb42

Naminator's facts:
The virgin Mary was not a virgin, in fact she was not even a "Mary", MKb42(H) gave birth to Jesus.
During the Alpha phase of CoD:MW2 the 25 kills killstreak use to be the MKb42(H), after extensive testing and feedback from the testers, the MKb42(H) was deemed too over-powered and was replaced with the Tactical Nuke.
Jesus H. Christ. MKb42(H), coincidence? I think NOT!
Chuck Norris and MKb42(H) sign a contract that prevents them from ever facing each other, as they fear to find out what will happen when an unstoppable object is hit by an unstoppable force.

reef1323's facts:
It wasn't a strobe light that caused Dianas driver to crash... It was the muzzle flash of an MKb42.
The only reason Rasputin died is because he was shot by an MKb42.
Stephen Hawking has proposed a ban on the MKb42 as "The bullets could tear a rift in the time-space continuum"
The MKb42 once misfired...... and created the lightsaber.
There were no planes that crashed into the twin towers on 9/11. Someone strapped seats to an MKb42.

tekn0maga's facts:
In Jurassic Park, when it looks like the Raptors have figured out how to open doors, off scene it is actually opened by the even smarter MKb42(H).
Originally it was thought that a big bang had created the universe. However we now know with science, that Chuck Norris and an MKb42(H) were fighting in a brutal battle to the death, at the conclusion of which they made love. The end product is the known Universe. You're Welcome Earth.
Star wars episodes 4, 5 and 6 were actually co written by MKb42(H) not just George Lucas. After George pitched his next idea to MKb42(H), the gun said "BANG? BANG BANG BANG!...click" and stormed out of the meeting. George went ahead and made three more movies despite the harsh words of warning from MKb42(H), the terrible history of which is already known.

Howard Beale's facts:
MKb42(H) = mc^2 (TeX)

crispy animal's facts:
The British founded the penal colony in Australia to deport uninformed radicals who tried to sabotage production of the MKb42.
The US never dropped an atomic bomb on japan, Hiroshima and Nagasaki are the only 2 known instances of an MKb42 malfunction, it was covered up to stall a mass panic.

Elixx's facts:
The MKb42[H] is the reason that, we never got alien visitors on earth.

Bioxx's facts:
When David fought Goliath, he didn't use a sling, he used an MKb42.
To end the Cuban Missile Crisis, President Kennedy pulled out an MKb42 and threatened to use it against the Soviets if they didn't turn those ships around.

The LaughingMan's facts:
An MKb42(H) is used to power Valve's digital distribution platform, however executives found Steam to be a more marketable name.
Geneva Conventions state that "an MKb42(H) is under no circumstance to be used in any form of combat."
When an autopsy was finally conducted on Albert Einstein, scientists were baffled at the relatively small size of his brain. Even more baffling was the presence of a tiny Mkb42(H) at its center.

Rooney00's facts:
The MKb42 shoots slightly smaller Mkb42's

FoX_D3ff3nd3R's facts:
The MKb42(H) is both the unstoppable force and the immovable object, and thus it defies the LAWS of time and space.
People say I'm hung like Chuck Norris, I just say I'm hung like an MKb42(H)

bryand's facts:
the Mkb42 not only creates black holes.. it is one

Mizara's facts:
It is believed that The Great Fire of Rome was started by Nero Claudius Caesar himself, and that during the fire he sang "Sack of Lilium" while playing his lyre. In fact, Nero sang "The Final Countdown", and his instrument of choice was Mkb42 (H), which started the fire in the first place.
God used an MKb42(H) to write the Ten Commandments.
Banshee is actually a metaphore to the sound of a reloading MKb42(H).

SweatyGremlinz facts:
Chuck Norris wept the first time he laid eyes on the Mkb42

SleepyJhonny's facts:
MKb42(H) is the last unlockable weapon of BF3 when you achieve level 100.
