Some of us stupid, know-nothing conspiracy theorists have been warning for some time that the current finacial crisis is a "false flag" operation with the sole aim of bringing down erstwhile powerful nations, and forcing them down the path of the New World Order agenda with all that it entails (do your own research folks).

It is no coincidence that so many people, both in Europe and in the USA, have been conscripted into government from large banking conglomerates like Golman Sachs. This means that the people who control the money do not have to pull the political strings, they actually own the puppets.

How come that if the world is in such financial desperation that Goldman Sachs et al are looking so fat rosey and healthy?

Now that the world economy is so deeply in hock to these monsters, the only way that countries are going to be able to borrow the money necessary for them to keep infrastructure and services flowing is by agreeing to whatever the lenders of this money tell them to do.

It sticks in my craw when I see the G20ers all greeting each other like long lost brothers and sisters, and behind the closed doors of meetings like the Biderberg group they plan their next move that will enable them to reduce populations and control what is left of us.

We truly live on a slave planet and we really need to break free, and have our own "Arab Spring".

The whole international monetary system is based on a simple FRAUD that is understood by so few people it is laughable.

The money that governments, people and companies borrow DOES NOT EXIST until they borrow it into existence, with a promise to pay it back PLUS INTEREST.

Governments the world over have been persuaded to allow this FRAUDULENT MONETARY SYSTEM to be constructed and maintained. Shame on them!

You want to send 'em a message?
Really want to make a point?
Then stop borrowing from them to buy pointless consumer trash. Cut up your credit card and flush the pieces down the toilet where they belong. Turn off that box in the living room. You know, the one that psychologically manipulates the feeble-minded into buying into the whole consumerist thing - and I'm not talking about the ads, I'm talking about the programs. It's all mindless banal plastic trash anyway. And made in China too, so there goes your balance of payments.
Don't buy into the whole Hollywood immoral trash culture and their cretinous celebrities either. You should be laughing at the emaciated stick insect women and the men (if indeed you could call them men) and their ridiculous botox and plastic surgery, not emulating them. Stop buying into their ridiculous fashion cycles, driven as they are by misogynistic homosexuals, because elegance and style are timeless. Sport, forget sport. Sport is fine if you play it, but watching all those overpaid, cranially under-endowed morons, plastered in commercial advertisements, well you don't know whether to watch them or read them do you? In short, everything the commercial and banking world touches it debases: culture, sport, politics, everything. If you've really had a gutful, keep your money in your pocket. Because, in a world where the politicians are owned by the banks and corporations, it's the only vote you've got!!

And remember, "the more people smoke herb, the more Babylon fall."

And what is "austerity"?
Privatization, less corporate tax and public sector slaughter. That equals more $$$s and power to GS/IMF and its cronies.

Brilliant article. "Conspiracy theory", eh? It is all here, black on white, pixel on matrix, staring you in the face. Like it has been for last five years - for me - and since the 80`s, for those who paid attention earlier.

Basically, what you have described here is a Coup D'etat of sovereign nations by the banks without a shot being fired.

The High Treason of our governments in allowing such a banker take over dismays me, but it does not surprise me in the least. When you have all the wealth in the world the only games left to play are those of power.

Our governments should hang for this.

"Banking was conceived in iniquity and was born in sin.
The Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them,
but leave them the power to create deposits,
and with the flick of the pen they will
create enough deposits to buy it back again.
However, take it away from them, and
all the great fortunes like mine
will disappear and they ought to disappear, for
this would be a happier and better world to live in.
But, if you wish to remain the slaves of Bankers
and pay the cost of your own slavery,
let them continue to create deposits."

Sir Josiah Stamp (1880-1941)
President of the Bank of England in the 1920's, the second richest man in Britain
