A little bitter and prejudiced are we? No, it's not just kids that do this kind of thing. All that malware leeching away your personal data was not designed by teenagers or unemployed people. Software like that is often designed and used by people who are well-educated, often have jobs, and are otherwise just like you except for one minor detail: They think your working class ethos means shit, and they want to actually get ahead in the world rather than working for The Man forever and ever for crap health insurance and a shot at that extra $0.30 raise at the end of the year after using up their "generous" 11 days of vacation for the year... which also counts as their sick days... which means the average person spends their "vacation" being sick, and then gets written up and denied that $0.30 raise for taking too many days off.

I know everybody is in love with the idea of some lone samurai learning to hack in some temple somewhere, then bravely venturing forth fully versed in the art of code-fu, but it's just as fictional as those samurai movies: The overwhelming majority of people these days learn their trade on the job, or in school, and then they do this kind of stuff on the side. You just hear about the unemployed and school kids a lot more because (a) they're more likely to have deficits in their understanding of how to do this without getting caught and (b) if caught they're not going to be able to put up money for any kind of a legal defense.

You do realize that by denying people access to employment after their jail term has ended, you're leaving them only one option: criminal activity, correct? The world of crime is a lot more amiable to a meritocracy than the corporate one; They don't try to hold onto weird beliefs like thinking how a person dresses is an indicator of potential, for example.

It's just food for thought... not that I expect much thinking from you... you seem to be very narrow minded and prejudiced against the disadvantaged in general, so why would you ever stop and consider that maybe the problem is as much how we're treating them as their lack of ethics?

Remember: You can't eat ethics. A very small number of people will be unethical just to be unethical, but the vast majority of people engage in unethical behavior because it has a benefit to them. That benefit is usually pretty basic too: food, shelter, clothing, sex, etc. Of course, once they've gotten into the criminal world, it's hard to turn back because it's so profitable. People stick a toe in the water and wind up getting pulled in deep. That's how it usually goes... no tricks, no arguments, no politics... just people who had some hard times, reached for the closest life preserver, and got sucked in.

We create the criminals when we allow social injustice.
