NSA, Echelon, etc. "In ascolto" AKA "The Listening" is not perfect, but worth watching because of the subject matter.

BTW fun fact, IIRC, Bamford, NSA's official proctologist ("Body of Secrets", "Shadow Factory") wrote about Hayden (NSA Director in 2001) refusing to intercept telephone calls from an OBL connected terrorist house in Yemen, to San Diego, when he could legally do so. IIRC, he could run the intercept and get a FISA court order later.

Michael Hayden who IMHO should have been dishonably discharged at best, court martialed at worst, got promoted.

  • NSA knew bad guys in Yemen were talking to a phone number in San Diego.
  • CIA knew and deliberately refused to tell the FBI, the bad guys from Malaysian terror "summit" are flying into CONUS.
  • FBI's informant was a landlord to San Diego bad guys.

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