Slashdot comment

I know this guy. (Score:4, Interesting)
by Chas (5144) on Tuesday May 15, @12:23AM (#40002335) Homepage Journal
And, unlike his fawning sycophants, I'm going to call him what he is.

A douchebag. Plain and simple.

I was involved with the FBI and helped them put him away the first time.
It's a sad commentary that a couple years in prison didn't straighten him out at all.
I've seen his name pop up a couple times in local news. Usually for some new random act of overweening stupidity.
I'm just stunned that he stooped to credit card theft AGAIN.

Then again, with his record, and his lack of anything even resembling social skills, he's damn near unemployable.

But Jeremy now has what he always desired. A national audience. And, unfortunately, there are just enough brain-sick slobs out there for whom his half-witted messsage is attractive. And he's got a martyr complex the size of the Sears Tower.

He basically belongs in prison, deprived of computer access. Hopefully they'll send him someplace slightly harsher than FCI Greenville this time.

Also see:
