The cumulative effect of mediocre politicians (of both parties), inane television advertisements ( indeed a whole population gaping at the telly), a morally and intellectually bankrupt educational system, religion for profit, a public discourse dominated by left and right wing pundits, New Age gurus spouting self esteem dreck, a society controlled by corporate oligarchs practicing bastard capitalism, trial lawyers making themselves rich by bankrupting samll business and driving skilled people out of the medical profession, and a society obsessed with spectator sport and the mass consumption of junk food, junk music, and junk movies, has finally ushered forth the first idiot culture. Now, millions of Americans will stare at their movie screens, watching red-blooded American guerrillas fighting off their evil conquerors.

I am about ready to drop out of this decadent society and become a hermit, consoling my self with books, movies, and TV programs. Heaven help us; it is now painfully clear that we are beyond helping ourselves.

Idiocracy (2006) [6.4 (59,465)]
