INSMODSCUM is a big Michael Mann fan. So when INSMODSCUM read the following: Michael Mann, Chris Hemsworth [the guy with the big hammer AKA Thor] Teaming Up for Cyberthriller, some questions arose.

Heat (1995)
Mainly, how the fuck Mann is going include an awesome or epic (the only two options) gunfight in a "cyberthriller"? Mann's "Thief", "Heat", "Collateral" and "Public Enemies" have impeccable stories, so hopping on the "cyberwar" bandwagon to be with war profiteering scum and their puppet politicians is... disappointing.

One of the very few hacking scenes that Hollywood got (somewhat) right is the hacking scene in the Matrix. Basing whole movies on hacking or "cyberwar" almost always ends up badly, even if you don't know anything about computer security.

Heat (1995)
Mann, who the fuck Andy McNab or Mick Gould are gonna train?

 John Rambo On Information Security

Originally intended as a separate post: Fictitious Zero Dark Thirty

INSMODSCUM gave Kathryn Bigelow a pass on the stupidity in the "Hurt Locker", the movie was directed well enough to force the viewer to forget the stupidity of the script.

After watching "Zero Dark Thirty", both Kathryn Bigelow or if you prefer Leni Riefenstahl II and the writer Mark Bowl (who also wrote "Hurt Locker") are going on the shitlist, especially Mark Bowl.

There's so many things that are wrong with the movie and the fact that it's getting awards, it's infuriating.

None of the Best Picture movies this season were really impressive or memorable, but if "Zero Dark Thirty" wins an Oscar...

Also see:

Secrecy Kill

"The Listening" (2006)

TLDR for the above links: CIA's Osama Bin Laden Unit run by women who love torture; CIA knew about terrorism summits and terrorist Visas, did not tell the FBI; NSA's Hayden ignored terrorist calls to U.S. when he could legally intercept them; Hayden later began then-illegal spying on Americans, New York Times took one year to publish this.


Marty M. AKA Marty Martin - The Spy Who Bilked Me: Meet Bush’s War Profiteering Chief Bin Laden Hunter