Finally, a blog post about Insurgency!


    "Tips": {
        "Coop": [
            "Try to avoid using insurgent weapons, especially primaries. A lot of players use sound as a big part of identifying and calling out contact and targets, a friendly with an AK makes it harder to classify the sound, and can end up getting yourself or teammates killed. There is no great advantage to any of the Insurgent weapons over the Security class weapons in most situations, so it will usually just increase the chances of something bad happening.",
            "Unless you're short on points, there is almost no good reason to equip anything except frag grenades as your thrown explosives, on high-supply servers I'd bring a carrier and frags in both slots. The reason is that the smoke doesn't affect the bots, flash has a limited use case, and incendiaries will blind your team and stop an advance while you wait for it to burn. And by packing 3 frags, you have a second slot free to pick up whatever is dropped by teammates or bots. Two frags can destroy a cache, and frags are by far the most versatile explosives available.",
            "C4 and AT4 are usually too expensive and heavy to allow you to kit out your primary and armor, which are by far the items that are used most in the game. However, the M203 with HE rounds can be exceptionally useful for clearing blind rooms and as a suppressive weapon in a lot of situations, try to bring at least one 203 in your squad.",
            "Grenades are there to be used, if you have grenades left when you reach a resupply point, you're not using them enough. Any time you can use a frag grenade to clear a room without putting yourself or teammates into a potential kill zone, toss one in!",
            "Unless playing Survival or Hunt, the Support class should have AP ammo, laser, and NEVER use the suppressor. The goal is to get the bots focused on you as you suppress them, allowing your team to engage them and take them out. AP ensures that you can punch through most light walls, the laser greatly increases the AI interest in you, and the suppressor would reduce that \"threat\" level. Think of support as the tank or paladin of Insurgency.",
            "Don't run ahead to capture or destroy points just to increase your score.",
            "In Survival mode, communication is essential. Check the map, find the closest safehouse, and make sure the whole team heads that way."
        "Gameplay": [
            "Incoming fire has the right of way! If a SAW gunner, or any other player, is covering an area and looking down his sights, do not run in front of him!",
            "Move slowly, this is a game that rewards patience and a cool head and punishes those who move too quickly. If you run into an area, you're going to expose yourself to fire from a lot of locations at once. Move deliberately and take small bites, and you'll never be surprised. Remember, slow is smooth, and smooth is fast!",
            "Never, ever stand square in a doorway! Always have 2 shooters on a door frame, one on each side, firing through the door in an X. This creates what's called enfilade fire, by creating long areas where an enemy moving through is coming towards you rather than traversing, and it allows you to safely dominate and clear an area with a minimum of exposure.",
            "Use walls and doorways to create covered firing positions, moving a little left or right and lining up several doors/walls in your path can create a situation where you have a narrow but long firing zone. This again puts you in a position where you can shoot or at least see and alert your team to any enemy in the area.",
            "I've found the most effective way to move in this game is in groups of 3 as a triangle, with the 2-person base to the front. This allows the third man to cover 6 and rapidly shift to front for engaging on a line if needed, and allows the two point players to have a natural bounding overwatch that uses interlocking fields of fire to cover more area than a single pointman could.",
            "Any time you need to go around a wall or door, pie the corner as far back into the room you're coming from as possible, maximizing the distance between yourself and the opening. This allows you to take a much smaller area at a time as you move across, and presents a much harder target to hit for enemies outside. The caveat to this is that a good human defense will have a SAW and a 203 waiting, so they will blast your room with an HE grenade and suppressing fire, so be aware of walls behind you.",
            "Map knowledge in this game is ESSENTIAL.",
            "A good way to move is to have the SAW near the front, ready to suppress when needed, and riflemen in groups to the side.",
            "If a soldier is engaging through a doorway, other players should be throwing grenades over his head into the room to maximize the damage taken by any enemies in there.",
            "Any grenade usage should be done by at least a battle buddy team to avoid having a player surprised by a rushing enemy when they have the grenade out. Doorways should be covered by a player with a primary weapon aimed and ready, and a second player throwing an explosive in to clear the area."
        "Loadouts and Equipment": [
            "HP and AP ammo are misleading, armor affects all ammo identically. AP ammo does the most damage to head/torso/stomach, usually one hit kill at close range with any primary weapon. HP ammo does more damage to legs and arms, normal damage to the head, and reduced damage to torso/stomach.",
            "Suppressors have no negative impact on damage or accuracy as of the writing of this list, so if you're in Survival, Hunt, or playing PVP where stealth can be an asset, go ahead and equip it.",
            "The roles are usually pretty flexible, but for support and sniper they can be critically important. Do not take these roles unless you're going to play them right, as they can be the deciding factor in a lot of situations.",
            "As a support gunner, at the end of the round you should have fired at least half the total rounds of the entire team. Any time there is an enemy contact, or even an expectation of contact, the SAW gunner should be providing suppressing fire. Suppressing fire is short bursts, spaced out to maximize the total time that fire is being applied, and spread over the entire area of contact. The purpose of the SAW is NOT to rack up kills, but to suppress everything in the area so that riflemen can engage the targets without fear of return fire.",
            "As a sniper or DM, you should never be running in to clear objectives first, or on the front line unless the team is all down. Your job is to take overwatch, call out enemies you can't hit, and kill anything that is threatening your team's advance. The real power of this class is the long-range vision afforded by the scope, use it to increase your team's awareness of their area of operations.",
            "The M203 is an excellent way to offensively clear an area, it especially works great in stairwells or other open areas with walkways or other obstructions that you can shoot over to kill incoming enemies with splash damage from behind."