Fucking Google.

INSMODSCUM recently lost a 10 year old Gmail address. Let's see...

Google fuckups:

Logo. Recent logo redesign was done by a kindergartner. The design process probably included vomiting or defecating, probably both.

Blogger. The redesign a couple of years ago is shit. Productivity decrease.

Gmail. Gmail had an almost perfect user interface about 10 years ago,  WHY THE FUCK do I have to click "More". I have a 42 inch monitor. One now needs a mobile phone to get an email. And they stole my fucking email.

YouTube. Google redesigns YouTube every year, and every year the usability stays the same, i.e. shitty.

Chrome. No vertical style tabs, forty-fucking-*checks-wikipedia*-three versions later. http://insurgencymod.blogspot.com/2015/03/rant-brogrammers-and-brosigners-dumbing.html
I don't know if it's appropriate to blame Google for Firefox slowly becoming Chrome, but I will.

Google Chrome Config Screen
There are hundreds, perhaps thousands of idiotic design decisions taken by Google on Chrome. Consider the location of "Download Location". In FireFox (IIRC) Tools->Options will show you the download location. In Chrome, one has to click "Show advanced settings..." AKA "I'm not an idiot" and scroll three fucking pages to do the same. All this while half of your fucking screen is occupied by whitespace instead of config categories, like every other software e.g. VLC.

VLC config screen.

Search. Google's bread and butter has been raped by SEO and spam for the last five years. Google *is* losing the battle.

TLDR: thank you Google brosigners and brogrammers for fucking my shit up. Get off my lawn.

Also see:



Jony Ive is a Senior Vice President, Design, Apple


http://search.slashdot.org/comments.pl?sid=7439051&cid=49735255Tweets To Appear In Google Search Results

Re:OK, but seriously... (Score:0)
by Anonymous Coward on Wednesday May 20, 2015 @10:02AM (#49735255)

Google has been shooting themselves in the foot for years. Google search is already crap compared to how it used to be. The same for Gmail, YouTube, Sites and Groups.

I switched to Bing a couple of years ago and never looked back. Bing search results are better than Google, with *no advertising* and I get credit for every search I perform which I can later exchange for a reward, such as a gift card, or I can have Microsoft donate the money to a charity. I also switched to Outlook a while back and it's much faster, cleaner and better than Gmail.

Now if only Microsoft would hurry up and create their own video sharing service, I can finally dump YouTube.
