From Help, Search Syntax:

  space AND
  | OR
  ! NOT
  < > Grouping
  " " Search for an exact phrase.

  * Matches zero or more characters.
  ? Matches one character.

  quot: Literal double quote (")
  apos: Literal apostrophe (')
  amp:  Literal ampersand (&)
  lt: Literal less than (<)
  gt: Literal greater than (>)
  #<n>: Literal unicode character <n> in decimal.
  #x<n>:  Literal unicode character <n> in hexadecimal.
  audio:  Search for audio files.
  zip:  Search for compressed files.
  doc:  Search for document files.
  exe:  Search for executable files.
  pic:  Search for picture files.
  video:  Search for video files.

  ascii:  Enable fast ASCII case comparisons.
  case: Match case.
  diacritics: Match diacritical marks.
  file: Match files only.
  folder: Match folders only.
  noascii:  Disable fast ASCII case comparisons.
  nocase: Do not match case.
  nodiacritics: Do not match diacritical marks.
  nofileonly: Do not allow files only.
  nofolderonly: Do not allow folders only.
  nopath: Do not match path.
  noregex:  Disable regex.
  nowfn:  Do not match the whole filename.
  nowholefilename:  Do not match the whole filename.
  nowholeword:  Do not match whole words only.
  nowildcards:  Disable wildcards.
  noww: Do not match whole words only.
  path: Match path and file name.
  regex:  Enable regex.
  utf8: Disable fast ASCII case comparisons.
  wfn:  Match the whole filename.
  wholefilename:  Match the whole filename.
  wholeword:  Match whole words only.
  wildcards:  Enable wildcards.
  ww: Match whole words only.

  ansicontent:<text>  Search ANSI file content for text.
  attrib:<attributes> Search for files and folders with the specified file attributes.
  attribdupe: Find files and folders with the same attributes.
  attributes:<attributes> Search for files and folders with the specified file attributes.
  child:<filename>  Search for folders that contain a child with a matching filename.
  childcount:<count>  Search for folders that contain the specified number of subfolders and files.
  childfilecount:<count>  Search for folders that contain the specified number of files.
  childfoldercount:<n>  Search for folders that contain the specified number of subfolders.
  content:<text>  Search file content for text.
  dateaccessed:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date accessed.
  datecreated:<date>  Search for files and folders with the specified date created.
  datemodified:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date modified.
  daterun:<date>  Search for files and folders with the specified date run.
  da:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date accessed.
  dadupe: Find files and folders with the same date accessed.
  dc:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date created.
  dcdupe: Find files and folders with the same date created.
  dm:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date modified.
  dmdupe: Find files and folders with the same date modified.
  dr:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified date run.
  dupe: Search for duplicated filenames.
  empty:  Search for empty folders.
  endwith:<text>  Filenames (including extension) ending with text.
  ext:<ext1;ext2;...> Search for files with a matching extension in the specified semi-colon delimited extension list.
  filelist:<fn1|fn2|...>  Search for a list of file names in the specified pipe (|) delimited file list.
  filelistfilename:<name> Search for files and folders belonging to the file list filename.
  fsi:<index> Search for files and folders in the specified zero based internal file system index.
  infolder:<path> Search for files and folders in the specified path, excluding subfolders.
  len:<length>  Search for files and folders that match the specified filename length.
  namepartdupe:<path> Search for files and folders with the same name part.
  parent:<path> Search for files and folders in the specified path, excluding subfolders.
  parents:<count> Search for files and folders with the specified number of parent folders.
  rc:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified recently changed date.
  recentchange:<date> Search for files and folders with the specified recently changed date.
  root: Search for files and folders with no parent folders.
  runcount:<count>  Search for files and folders with the specified run count.
  shell:<name>  Search for a known shell folder name, including subfolders and files.
  size:<size> Search for files with the specified size in bytes.
  sizedupe: Search for duplicated sizes.
  startwith:<text>  Filenames starting with text.
  type:<type> Search for files and folders with the specified type.
  utf16content:<text> Search UTF-16 file content for text.
  utf16becontent:<text> Search UTF-16 Big Endian file content for text.
  utf8content:<text>  Search UTF-8 file content for text.

Function Syntax:
  function:value  Equal to value.
  function:<=value  Less than or equal to value.
  function:<value Less than value.
  function:=value Equal to value.
  function:>value Greater than value.
  function:>=value  Greater than or equal to value.
  function:start..end Is in the range of values from start to end.
  function:start-end  Is in the range of values from start to end.

Size Syntax:

Size Constants:
  tiny  0 KB < size <= 10 KB
  small 10 KB < size <= 100 KB
  medium  100 KB < size <= 1 MB
  large 1 MB < size <= 16 MB
  huge  16 MB < size <= 128 MB
  gigantic  size > 128 MB

Date Syntax:
  month/year or year/month depending on locale settings
  day/month/year, month/day/year or year/month/day depending on locale settings

Date Constants:

Attribute Constants:
  A Archive
  C Compressed
  D Directory
  E Encrypted
  H Hidden
  I Not content indexed
  L Reparse point
  N Normal
  O Offline
  P Sparse file
  R Read only
  S System
  T Temporary
  V Device