TLDR: use TotalCmd

Objective: find all video files with specific frame rate (FPS), e.g. find all files with less than 24fps.


Via BASH & FFprobe

# find videos with 24fps or 30fps
find -type f -exec sh -c './ffprobe -show_streams 2>/dev/null "{}" | grep -q -e avg_frame_rate=30/1 -e avg_frame_rate=24/1' \; -print

# find videos NOT with 24fps or 30fps
find -type f -exec sh -c './ffprobe "{}" 2>&1| grep ",* fps" | cut -d "," -f 5 | cut -d " " -f 2 | grep -v -e 24 -e 30' \; -print

Via Total Commander

Using MediaInfoWDX.

Do not use TCMediaInfo, since it does not support GREATER/LESS-than searches.

See TotalCmd repo for this author’s TC config.



$ eval $(./ffprobe -v error -of flat=s=_ -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=height,width input.mkv)
$ size=${streams_stream_0_width}x${streams_stream_0_height}
$ echo $size


"r_frame_rate": "25/1",
"avg_frame_rate": "25/1",


eval $(./ffprobe -v error -of flat=s=_ -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=avg_frame_rate input.mkv)
echo $test


better way:

# find files with "30fps" & print filename
find -type f -exec sh -c './ffprobe -show_streams 2>/dev/null "{}" | grep -q avg_frame_rate=30/1' \; -print

# find files with 30fps & 24fps
# -e "use regex pattern", -q "quiet"
find -type f -exec sh -c './ffprobe -show_streams 2>/dev/null "{}" | grep -q -e avg_frame_rate=30/1 -e avg_frame_rate=24/1' \; -print
# broken
find -type f -exec sh -c './ffprobe -show_streams 2>/dev/null "{}" | awk "/avg_frame_rate=30/ || /avg_frame_rate=24/ { print; }"' \;


#show fps of all files
find -type f -exec sh -c './ffprobe "{}" 2>&1| grep ",* fps" | cut -d "," -f 5 | cut -d " " -f 2' \; -print

# as above, but with negating grep
find -type f -exec sh -c './ffprobe "{}" 2>&1| grep ",* fps" | cut -d "," -f 5 | cut -d " " -f 2 | grep -v -e 24 -e 30' \; -print


# broken
for i in ls *.mkv; do sm=$(./mediainfo $i | grep 'Original frame rate' | sed 's/  //g');if [[ "$sm" != *30* ]]; then printf "\n file: %-s $i string: $sm \n"; fi; done
